Greetings and salutations readers. The past few days at the virtual table have been eventful to say the least. My emotions have fluctuated between elation and well, how can I put this elegantly..............FUCKING PISSED OFF!!!! Ok, I will now gather myself and tell you what has occured.............
I played a small session on Wednesday, about 18 hours lol, where I went down to 12 dollars, and up again to 86. I then proceeded to lose everything the next day due to some horror beats.
Now, I can handle bad beats; but when they happen to you EVERY TIME you're in a hand, it becomes a bit hard to take. Don't believe it? Then allow me to put forth my case........
Exhibit 1: The Two Outer - Remember what I said last post about folding bullets pre?? In the muck IC, always in the muck!!
Exhibit 2: The Runner Runner. Oh how I love this one. I tried to calmly communicate with the Sapling after this hand to discover his reasoning. Unfortunately he offered up no explanation. I also discovered later that my 'calm communication' had resulted in a lengthy chat ban.
Exhibit 3: A painful 3 outer . MRSSHMIT344 really should know to fold after a re-raise and a re-e-raise all in. I'm not bitter though, not at all. STUPID BIATCH!!!
Exhibit 4: The Miracle. And to think when he moved all in on me, I was just praying, no paired board, NO PAIRED BOARD!!! Well, at least the Good Lord Baby Jesus finally listened to me lol.
Now, I can only assume that most readers are growing tired with me posting bad beats. I don't want to, believe me; I would love to put in hand after hand where I flop quads, make flushes, river full houses and the like, I really would. But unfortunately, I don't run as hot as some people. No names mentioned ;-).
Due to the ice cold run, I wrote a letter to the good folks/bastards at Party Poker stating that I would never play their site again. So I was astonished, when, the next day I opened my email and saw that they had deposited $50 no strings attached into my account, as they 'valued my loyalty.' Hmmmmm...........
Is this a cunning plan by them to ensure my nervous breakdown. Do they delight in my despair? Or maybe they just sympathise with my plight, and are willing to give the small stakes player a lifeline.
Whatever the case may be, IC is back, back in the game. Time to wreak my revenge. Revenge on all the Fishees who have sucked out, 1 and 2 outed me, and runner-runnered me. They will rue the day they crossed the path of IC_DEADFISH. Haha. Hahaha. HAHAHA. MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Man, I need to get out more...........
Quote of the Day - "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." Jack Nicholson
Song of the Day - Debaser - The Pixies
Player of the Day - Gus Hansen (To have 1 percent of his luck would be nice).
Poker Roll - $50
There you go fish :-)
Man, no comments :-( I see your hits have gone thru the roooof thou. Maybe you need to start blogging about your chinese experiences???
Hello there,
I enjoy reading your blog. Please let me know if you would like to link up sometime. I recently started my own:
Best of luck!
awwww mate, u got a comment!
i like it . very amusing . keep up the good work. adam
if u could link i wud appreciate
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